Mr. Henry K. "Bud" Hebeler's Profile

Mr. Henry K. Hebeler is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from which he has three degrees, won numerous honors and several fellowships. Most of his working career was at The Boeing Company where he began as an engineer, worked his way through financial analysis, procurement, sales, corporate long range planning, and ultimately became president of Boeing Aerospace Company in Seattle, WA. For six years he was Boeing’s chief forecaster and planner reporting to the chairman. He has taken courses from Nobel prize winners in economics. He has been on advisory committees to the  U.S. Congress, Departments of Interior, Commerce, Energy, and Defense, an economic advisor to the Washington State governor and a member of Washington's Economic Development Council. He has served on the Board of Governors of MIT's Sloan School and other colleges. Mr. Hebeler has been working with retirees for many years, developed special material for their use, and given numerous seminars on retirement. His current focus is dissemination of sound financial planning information that applies to a wide range of personal investment, economic and income situations.